Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!


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Welcome to the 2021 edition of Summer Leap where Party Favorz anticipates some of the biggest dance club hits heading into the hotter months. It’s the time for pool parties, the beach and a break from all of life’s issues. This summer is a bigger deal only because many parts of the world are coming out of lockdown with more people getting vaccinated making it safer to go out and be amongst friends and (strangers).

Sadly, dance music has a bit static with much of the commercial releases sounding the same and lacking in originality. That’s not to say there aren’t several great gems hidden amongst this 62 song set because there are plenty. This isn’t anything new and I bitched about the same thing in 2015 when all the rave was “Deep House,” which has gone back to its roots and turned into “Future House,” which is now more like “Electro House” and is now just labeled Dance. The labels may change but the originality has stayed flat.

Some of the better tunes (especially on the excellent Spring Break 2021), rely on past treasures by sampling the past while creating all new songs for the current generation of party-goers. There’s not quite as much lately and that has to do with folks losing inspiration or holding back their work until everything fully opens up. There is one great remix by Purple Disco Machine that’s about to drop on the 28th for a new song that’s just okay but the remix takes it to another level. I’m expecting this song to explode this summer. I wont’ say what it is but it will make an appearance on the 2021 Gay Anthems For a New Generation and the annual Catch-Up towards the end of June.

Much of what’s contained in Disco House and Peak Hour is beginning to bleed into commercial dance, which is fine. It needs the shakeup but don’t worry — that’s not going to effect those series. Ultimately, diversity is key to making a great mix but I’m only as good as the musical output at any given moment.

I do want to mention that the app I was so proud of which had been working flawlessly through the spring is no longer working. It relies on the Microsoft scripts and there are several issues with it at the moment that are not getting addressed in their forums on Github. Ultimately, I’ll have to school myself on hosting it myself for better reliability but since I’m self-taught, that could take awhile. I’ll let everyone know once something is reliably in place.

We still have a brand new Disco House and Circuit & Anthems releases scheduled for the coming week so be sure to subscribe or follow for the latest updates. Until then…ENJOY!

Album: Summer Leap 2021Genre: Dance, Club, HouseYear: 2021Total Time: 03:51:09


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