Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!


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Party Favorz is back with the 2024 Gay Pride Edition featuring the biggest circuit anthems and reworked gay anthems with that big room sound to celebrate our love for community, hot men, and the divas who keep us dancing!

This edition’s cover art is courtesy of Mark De Lange, also known as Dirty Disco. Mark isn’t just a prodigious and talented DJ who helps keep many of our Circuit and Anthems sets glued together; he’s also a businessman, entrepreneur, and a genuinely nice guy. The hot daddy aspect is just an added bonus. Party Favorz wanted to celebrate this edition with real people we know, and it’s an honor that Mark shared a variety of photos with us to choose for the cover. He even shared more than we asked for, but let’s just say, we’re impressed. If you find yourself in Houston (TX) anytime soon, head on over to the Montrose area and drop by his bar, the Houston Eagle (611 Hyde Park, Houston, TX 77006) where he spins on Sundays and say hi. Tell him Party Favorz sent you.

The Importance of Voting in 2024

As we celebrate Gay Pride month, it’s crucial to address some pressing issues. It’s an election year, folks, and it’s the single most important one in our lifetime. It was true in 2016 when we urged everyone to vote for Clinton, but many couldn’t get past the email controversy despite her being the most qualified person to ever run for office. Her loss resulted in a narcissistic, six-times-bankrupt, and morally corrupt individual holding the highest seat in our nation, which allowed him to install three conservative justices on the Supreme Court, giving them a majority.

Since then, they’ve rolled back voting rights, overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade, and expanded religious liberties to the point where doctors and pharmacists can openly discriminate against women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community without fear of punishment through state laws barring discrimination. Effectively, they’ve polluted our Constitution and severely restricted our 14th Amendment rights, and they’re only getting started.

The Threats to LGBTQ Rights

Many of the hard-fought rights LGBTQ people have fought for, like marriage equality, sodomy laws, and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, have been won by the struggles and willingness of the gay community to fight for the equal rights we’re guaranteed under the Constitution. Now, all of it—ALL OF IT—is on the chopping block. After overturning Roe v. Wade, Justice Thomas, in his concurring opinion, went even further, inviting lawsuits to overturn contraception and marriage equality. Don’t be fooled; this court is not comprised of strict constitutionalists but rather activist judges who are attempting to inje…

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