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Wrapping Up 2024: The Final Chapter
Party Favorz is finally back with our third and final installment of the Top Dance Club Songs of 2024. These year-end lists are always a challenge to create because, as you work your way through, everything either clicks perfectly or it doesn’t. In this case, most of it did—though not without some hiccups.
Making the Mix Work
To make this final set cohesive, I swapped out a couple of remixes for their original versions and dropped one song entirely. Why? Because I didn’t like it when it was released and still don’t. It just didn’t work in the mix. Don’t worry—you won’t miss it. Trust me on this.
Overall, I think I’ve put together an excellent representation of the best dance club songs of 2024. You’d be hard-pressed to find a list this comprehensive anywhere else.
Ranking Process? Not This Time
I know I promised to discuss my process for ranking these songs, but honestly, I don’t have it in me right now. I’ve been in extreme pain all week from an infection on my shin, and the antibiotics the doctor prescribed aren’t working. With the 5-day treatment almost over, I’ll likely need to head to urgent care tomorrow if there’s no improvement.
No Blow Your Own Horn This Year
On top of that, I’ve spent so much time and energy pulling together these year-end sets that there simply isn’t enough bandwidth left for our annual Blow Your Own Horn series. I know many of you look forward to that tradition—where we bid one final “fuck off” to the year while welcoming the New Year with a bang. Its high-energy nature makes it a fan favorite, but I just can’t make it happen this time.
The Future of Party Favorz
I’ve also been wrestling with mixed feelings about continuing Party Favorz into another year. Right now, I’m leaning toward keeping it alive—especially since we’re expecting new music from Lady Gaga, Cher, and Madonna. And if Rihanna drops something? That would be EPIC.
If I do move forward, big changes are inevitable. The last two years saw a significant drop in donations, which didn’t even scratch the surface of my monthly expenses. If the podcast continues, it will have to rely on a Patreon model. I haven’t ironed out the details yet, but I’ve got some ideas brewing.
A New Chapter for the Website
Another looming expense is a new website theme. The theme I’ve used for the past 15 years has been a workhorse, but it’s no longer supported by WordPress and throws up quirky issues every time WordPress updates. A new theme will run me about $300 and require a complete redesign. While I’ve taught myself a fair bit of coding over the years, I’m no expert. Thankfully,
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