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After a very long wait, Party Favorz is finally back in business with a brand-spanking new booty-slapping Funky Disco House episode to properly kick off our grand reopening.
“YoYo Dissco” features all the latest Funky House, Disco House, and House Music songs that have been buzzing in our ears for the past couple of months. If you’re a fan of this series (and it seems a lot of you are, judging by the numbers over the past year), everything will sound familiar with a fresh sense of newness throughout the mix.
This set kicks off with some Gospel Disco by the always fabulous Barbara Tucker, who we haven’t heard from in a while and delivers a hopeful track for these trying times. From there, you’ll journey through the dance floor with an endless array of roof-raisers, funky throwbacks, and mashups of perennial favorites, creating entirely new songs.
Navigating Through Time: A Reflection on Party Favorz’s Journey and Musical Milestones
Party Favorz is now in its 17th year, and it’s remarkable to think we’ve been around for four presidencies, witnessing massive changes in technology and entertainment consumption. We were leading the charge in this arena before podcasts became ubiquitous, and while many have fallen by the wayside, we’re still here delivering the dancefloor directly to you.
Towards the end of this mix, you’ll notice a song called “The Cure & The Cause” by Fish Go Deep and Tracey K. Idris Elba took the song in a very 90s straight House Music direction. At the time of its original release, it was all about the DJ Meme remix, which added live strings in the vein of the Solsoul Records era. It was a massive hit back in 2007, the same year Party Favorz was born on the internet. It’s interesting to note that it was also released during a presidential year, similar to the current time. While nothing will ever top the DJ Meme remix, this new rendition brought back a lot of fond memories from our early days. You can find the DJ Meme remix on our Funky House Edition 2007 v6 and on Volume 1 of our DJ Meme tribute mix.
Technical Updates and Enhancements: Improving Your Listening Experience
I’ve been struggling to get the categories to work on the streaming feeds for several days, but then it came to me in a dream last night. That’s been the delay in getting the new design out, and I haven’t fully tested it yet, but hopefully, it will work out. If not, I’m waiting on a quote from a developer to assist, along with fixing the link in the site’s header. No need to inform me; I’m aware of it and will get it fixed as soon as possible.
Feel free to reach out if you find any other errors, such as wrong artwork,
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