Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

Got Party Favorz? | Part Deux

I’ve got some good news and some, well …better news and bestest news.  I guess I’ll go with the good new first LOL.  Party Favorz is officially back in business and open again.  You may notice a change in the address as I’ve added secure browsing on the site.  You should also see a green padlock in the browser, which means all of your information is kept under wraps and not shared with the rest of the world.  That’s not to say you are doing anything nefarious by visiting Party Favorz, but Google is giving preferred treatment to those sites that make the switch.  Since my host offers it for free with my plan, I decided to go ahead and take advantage of it.

The new official address is  No need for WWW nor HTTP (notice the ‘S’ on the end stands for secure) but no matter which address you have, they will all resolve to the same place.  For that reason, you don’t need to bother updating your bookmarks or favorites.  They’ll still take you to the same place regardless.

In better news, I’ve decided not to take the site to a premium service.  Frankly, it is a logistical nightmare and personally handling all the consumer questions on a regular basis is more than I’m willing to deal with at the moment.  If you remember, I did that once before and while it was successful, the complaints, questions and general issues that arise when you do something like that, just takes all the fun out of running the site and creating kick-ass podcasts.

This is not to say that running Party Favorz on a monthly basis is free, cheap or easy.  In fact, quite the opposite.  Since moving everything over in May, Party Favorz has increased downloads by 1,000+ a month.  September topped out at 6,333 up from 5,100 the previous month and 4,000 the month before that.  Heck, I haven’t even been open most of October but still have over 4,000 downloads for this month so far.

I fully expect to do something in the way of fundraising at least twice a year, with the next one coming up in December when I put out the Time Capsule series and Blow Your Own Horn.  These annual compilations are by far the most popular and I will likely monetize them, while everything else will be for free throughout most of the year.  I’d ask for small monthly donations, and the button will be making a return to the site by the end of the week, but that is usually like pissing in the wind LOL.

Now for the bestest new!  Ya’ll been bugging me for it, so the Peter Rauhofer tribute sets are going up shortly, most of the Diva Series will be reinstated and something I thought I had lost, but have now recovered … The original Deep Edition sets WILL start showing up on the site as early as next week.  I haven’t decided whether to give them their own category or make them a sub-category of the Funky House main group.  Whatever I decide, they will be front and center each time they are posted to make sure you don’t miss out.  I will say this though: I’ve been listening to these sets since I found them last week and I am fucking blown away at just how good they are.  The music scene has changed a lot since these came out in 2008 and you likely won’t hear anything like them for a very, very long time.

That’s all I got for now.  I’ve got the 2014 Halloween Edition for the circuit boys going up by noon tomorrow, so be on the look out for that.

Until then, ENJOY!

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