Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

The Best Dance Music Podcast PERIOD! | 10 Year Anniversary

A new year has arrived and I’ll bet resolutions have already been broken. One promise that has been kept is that Party Favorz keeps chugging along with some of the most devout followers of any podcast and for that, I am grateful. Going on our 10th year, I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep this up for as long as I have ’cause it’s a lot of work; albeit satisfying for some strange narcissistic reason.

I’m not sure where the forced registrations are coming from, but they appear to be pouring in at record numbers. Though, a lot of the emails are from fake domains with my favorite being LOL. I get it. Folks prefer to be anonymous when surfing the net these days and are more suspicious of Big Brother, spam, and malware than ever before. If it wasn’t for the contentious election last year, I wouldn’t have been posting on Twitter. I’m not a big social media person and only have a personal Facebook account to be able to view certain pages but keep it private with no invites. I maintain Party Favorz (gotpartyfavorz) on Facebook because so many people use that as their main feed for updates. As for Twitter, I may drop it all together since I’m never on it except to promote my latest posts. That decision hasn’t been made yet.

Just know that Party Favorz DOES NOT share your information, sell your email address or bombard you with tons of spam. Hell, I don’t even run ads on the site even though I’ve tried that in the past. They just slow everything down and frankly, most folks (like myself) block them.

I’d like to say that I’ve got YUGE (soon to be in the Merriam-Webster dictionary thanks to you know who) plans for 2017 but honestly; I never know what I’m gonna do until about a week before. Things just come to me or I dig up ideas that people have floated over the years that I never acted on.

One thing I do know is that Party Favorz will continue to deliver the finest dance music mixes for your listening pleasure while promoting the true artists that make it happen. I am more than proud to announce (without an ounce of shame) that Party Favorz is the best dance music podcast PERIOD! No fluff, no pork, no self-promotions while listening, no gimmicks, and no bullshit; just quality mixes.

Thanks to everyone that has continued to support this site. I’ll be back shortly and get this party started for 2017. Until then…ENJOY!

Keith a.k.a. K j A M

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