Rick came home from work in a pretty good mood yesterday baring a pound of fresh shrimp. I’m not sure what the occasion was, but I sure do love shrimp on a platter of ice. Drown it in some lemon, with Tabasco and cocktail sauce, a few beers and you’re pretty much set for the evening. Yummy! That always brings back great memories of back home. Sitting on the deck of one of my favorite restaurants ‘Pirates Bay’ in Port Isabel/South Padre Island on a sunny summer day and having some beer and shrimp with friends, is sorely missed. Afterward, the shrimp was coupled with some hot sex (I knew he was up to something) to cap off our evening…YUMMIER!
Now that my head is clear and I’ve come back down to earth from the previous week’s delusional behavior due to lack of sleep, it’s time to assess what just happened on November 4th. With democratic control of both houses, things are looking pretty damn good from where I sit. The way I see it, we have 2 – 3 Supreme Court justices that have been holding out for retirement in hopes of getting a Democrat in the White House. Now that Obama is the clear winner, getting his nominations through, shouldn’t be a problem. Without overreaching, I think we can realistically repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and pass the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act and finally lift the travel ban to this country for people with HIV. It’s absolutely time that the LGBT community is treated with equality and fairness in this country. We are tax paying Americans and should not be plowed down like second class citizens. I realize that many of us want the full repeal of the Defensive Marriage Act (DOMA), however, I believe that is something that will need to be handled in the courts. In fact, I’m glad that Prop 8 in California did not pass. There are already three class action lawsuits filed on behalf of the 18,000 couples who legally married since the repeal of the unconstitutional amendment preventing same-sex marriages. Ultimately, this will need to go to the Supreme Court. Just remember, it wasn’t that long ago that blacks and whites could not legally marry and I truly believe that the Supreme Court will view this as discriminatory and unconstitutional, thus overriding every states amendment barring same-sex marriages. I think our community needs some patience in this matter, but we’ll get there sooner than not.
As for Sarah Palin, I say good riddance for now. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s the last we’ll be hearing from her. She’s got a taste of fame and a lust for power. I wouldn’t be surprised if she runs for the soon to be open Senate seat in Alaska, though I understand that’s going to a runoff. Now that the election is behind us, I find it rather amusing how her handlers have all come out about what a DIVA she is. For one, she’s difficult to work with and two she’s about as smart as a cue ball. I’m not going to say that I’m an expert on geography, but even I know that Africa is a continent, not a country. I expect her handlers were better qualified to be Vice President than she was. You can bet your last dollar the elitist faction of the Republican party cringes at the notion of her running in 2012. However, she does appeal to the majority of their base (bible thumpers, false prophets, closeted queers and the KKK). I guess we’ll deal with it in four years. For now, I’ll just relish the massive losses of the Republican party and the defection of one of their core constituents, Mexicans. It’s suggested that by 2012, they might even lose Texas’s wealth of electoral votes since Hispanics are quickly becoming the majority in my home state. That’s what you get when you beat up on immigrants you dumb asses!
On to better news. I bring you the third installment of the House Edition v5. With a good mix of the familiar and some brand spanking new tunes; this mix ROCKS the HOUSE! I’m really proud of this particular edition and hope everyone has been feeling what I’ve been laying down. I always get concerned when I don’t receive any feedback. While the countless downloads speak volumes, it would be nice if you guys would open up and show me some LOVE! Hey, I’m not just some cold hard bitch you need to be afraid of (unless you cross me and I’ll cut you down), I’ve got feelings too : ) Nevertheless, if you’re just too shy to get involved, you can always show your appreciation by making a small donation via the PayPal buttons to the left and right of you. All donations received go right back into the maintenance of this site; so your contribution is being put to good use.
I also want to bring to your attention a new download button at the bottom of the page. I have now added a ‘true’ .cue file for those of you who like to separate the mixes by song without the annoying gap. So, if anyone would like to do that, but don’t know how here’s what you do. After you have downloaded the mix, then download Medieval Software’s free Cue Splitter. Install that on your computer (trust me, no spyware). Then just click on the .cue file at the bottom of this post and Cue Splitter will automatically load and ask for the .mp3 file you want to split. Then just add the .mp3 mix and it will load all the track information you see below. In the bottom left-hand corner, click on ‘split’ and then save the files. Wah La! You’re all done. How cool is that? You can thank our good friend Ian from the UK for hooking us up with this great idea. I have retained the .html file with all the track listings and the icon for that will be the .txt file instead of .cue. This way, everyone is happy.
I guess that’s about it for now. Just keep up the groove and I’ll be back tomorrow with the final mix. Until then…ENJOY!
Album : House Edition v5
Genre : Disco, Funky, House
Year : 2008
Total Time : 1:32:39:00
Track : 1
Title : Worked Up (Mark Picchiotti Extended Club Remix)
Artist : Brian Anthony
Track : 2
Title : Love Vibrations (Josh Harris Club Mix)
Artist : Barbara Tucker
Track : 3
Title : Turn It Up (Kenny Hayes Sunshine Funk Mix)
Artist : Mark Picchiotti pres. Basstoy feat. Dana Devine
Track : 4
Title : The Music (Motoja Remix)
Artist : Ultra DJ’s
Track : 5
Title : Put Your Hands On (Warren Clarke Remix)
Artist : No Halo
Track : 6
Title : Shake It Up (Richard Earnshaw Remix)
Artist : Miguel Migs feat. Sadat X
Track : 7
Title : Give Thanks (Soul Avengerz Club Mix)
Artist : Peyton & The Rhythm Republic
Track : 8
Title : Bodyswerve (Soulshaker Remix)
Artist : De’Lacy & Marco Gee
Track : 9
Title : Time (Wideboys Club Mix)
Artist : Speakerbox feat. Michelle Shaprow
Track : 10
Title : Alive (K-Klass Club Mix)
Artist : Mondotek
Track : 11
Title : How Long (Almighty 12” Mix)
Artist : Linda Clifford
Track : 12
Title : Love Hangover (DJ Spen Club Mix)
Artist : Joey Negro
Track : 13
Title : Love Is The Answer (Freemasons Remix)
Artist : Funk Fanatics
Track : 14
Title : Into My Life (Original Extended Mix)
Artist : Cahill
Not to be confused with their spring hit “Love of My Life” this is a brand spanking new promo that samples a very familiar track…PRINCE! It lifts that cool beat from his 1980 hit “I Wanna Be Your Lover”. I sure hope they cleared the rights to use it, because if not, Prince has been in a suing mood lately. This is smoking! Essential.
Track : 15
Title : Love On My Hands (Dubf Mix)
Artist : Lovebirds
Track : 16
Title : Sanctuary (Solitaire Club Mix)
Artist : Gabriella Cilmi