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Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

House Edition 2008 v5 (Take 4)

The final installment of this series was a long time coming. I’ve said before that I don’t like to spend too much time on my mixes, otherwise you end up with something that sounds forced. For whatever reason, I just couldn’t wrap my head around this one and nothing was falling into place for me. It didn’t help that several of the songs I wanted to use made for difficult transitions and would need to be keyed perfectly. In fact, this was supposed to be the third installment and the Take 3 the fourth. After several attempts, I put it to the side. Last night, I got up around 4:00 am and scrapped the whole mix and started from scratch. It’s almost like a light went off in my head and the whole thing just magically came together. By 6:00 am the mix was finished. When I started putting the post together, I lost my new wireless connection that Comcast had just installed the previous day. After several attempts at re-starting, I got on the phone with them for what seemed like an eternity to get it working again. By 8:00 am, I was back in business.

However, I had not read my emails yet nor my newsletters so I decided to take a break and catch up. If you can tell by my posts yesterday, I got on my political bandwagon and started whipping out some stuff out. Then my mom calls; she got her new computer and was heading to Wal-mart to by a router and wanted me to be around. When she called from the store, she said they didn’t have what I sent her down to get; so she puts me on the phone with the sales girl who hasn’t a clue what’s she’s talking about much less why she’s on this planet. At that point, my head began to swell and I was getting a really bad headache. When I finished, I realized I hadn’t done what I planned to do that day and started calling to set my appointments for the following week (the MRI and other test results I had just had were in). Having already skipped lunch, I went back to finish up my post only to find I had lost my connection AGAIN!

At that point, I thought about scrapping the whole damn thing. Normally, I would take a breather and go outside and walk around to enjoy the amazing days we’ve been having, but a front just moved in and it was an overcast drizzling shit of a day. By then, my mom had called back with some guy named Wally (who swears he went to school with me???) so I could tell him what needed to be transferred to her new computer. Then she wants to talk about the external hard drive I suggested she get in case the internal drive failed. She didn’t seem to get it and just wanted to go round and round with me (something she does frequently even though she comes to me for my expert advice and technical assistance for her computer).

Finally, I just said, “mom, if you don’t want it, then don’t get it, but only fools don’t back up their stuff; so don’t come crying to me when something goes wrong and you’ve lost all of your pictures and church projects”. She then reminded me she was my mother, so I backed down and apologized. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. My head was hurting so bad that I decided to wait until tomorrow to finish up my post. It’s currently 2:21 am and I can’t sleep. So here I am finishing up the post that should have been completed 24 hours ago. I’ve run the cable line straight into my computer so I don’t have to deal with any more wireless nightmares for a while.

So there you have it. No “the dog ate my work” excuses for my tardiness, just the truth. Since I’m up, I might as well go ahead and knock out the cover art for the next Classix Edition coming up in two weeks (you heard right). We’ve got another guest DJ this next week and I’ll be taking a breather. Do you remember when I was picking out a new computer for my mom and was all excited? Well, common sense prevailed. I was lucky enough to get some birthday money so I doubled my memory to 4 gigs, bought a new heatsink for my CPU that should keep it about 10 – 15 degrees cooler when I’m working on graphics and bought this bad ass 500 gb extreme hard drive from Western Digital to replace these two crappy Seagates I’ve got installed. That all just came in, so I’ll be cleaning out my computer and installing my new goodies later today. Sometimes it’s the seemingly mundane things in life that brings me joy. This is definitely one of them!

I hope everyone has a great weekend, wherever you may be and remember to always be polite to your mothers, no matter how big a pain in the ass neck they may be. I promise not to spam you guys with my postings, at least for a while…LOL. I’ll be back next weekend with our next guest DJ…until then, ENJOY!

Album : House Edition v5
Genre : Disco, Funky, House
Year : 2008
Total Time : 1:46:42:00

Track : 1
Title : Deep In You (Ortega’s Soulful Mix)
Artist : Fish & Chips vs. Tanya Louise

Track : 2
Title : Down (Luca J Mix)
Artist : Freak ‘n’ Funky

Track : 3
Title : Stand Up (The Guitarness Extended Mix)
Artist : Nowak feat. D’Layna

Track : 4
Title : Get Busy (Soul Avengerz Dancefloor Mayhem Mix)
Artist : Kid Massive feat. Elliotte Williams & Drue

Track : 5
Title : Must Be The Music (Nicola Fasano Dub)
Artist : Joey Negro

Track : 6
Title : Fallin’ (Bassmonkeys Club Remix)
Artist : Eugene Wilde

Track : 7
Title : Shine (Moto Blanco Remix)
Artist : Booty Luv

Track : 8
Title : Angel (Moto Blanco Mix)
Artist : Natasha Bedingfield

Track : 9
Title : Dream On (Moto Blanco Vocal Mix)
Artist : Christian Falk feat. Robyn

Track : 10
Title : Midnight (Original)
Artist : JR

Track : 11
Title : Lose Control (Jerry Ropero & Denis The Menace Remix)
Artist : Ian Carey pres. The Good Guys

Track : 12
Title : Finally (Christopher Simmons Remix)
Artist : Bart B More vs. Oliver Twizt

Track : 13
Title : Daylight (Joey Negro Club Mix)
Artist : Kelly Rowland feat Travis McCoy

Track : 14
Title : Kiss Kiss (Original Mix)
Artist : K-Boy

Track : 15
Title : Just Look Around (Original Mix)
Artist : B&S vs. Scibi feat. Elena

Track : 16
Title : Feelin’ Love (Axwell Vocal Remix)
Artist : Soulsearcher

Track : 17
Title : Get Down (Warren Clarke Club Mix)
Artist : Todd Terry Allstars feat. Tara McDonald

Track : 18
Title : The Cure And The Cause (DJ Meme Philly Suite Mix Re-edit)
Artist : Fish Go Deep feat. Tracey K

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