Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

I’ve Got Something To Say!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to apologize for the recent silence. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of medical issues and a disastrous attempt to save money by switching hosting services. Thankfully, I’m back with the reliable (though pricier) Siteground, and we’ve also found a much better donation platform called Donorbox.

Donorbox offers a smooth experience, improved features, and faster loading times for the website. Plus, you now have more payment options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay (both with recurring donation options!), and Venmo.

For recurring donors, there’s a new way to manage your account. You can access it through the link in our top menu (desktop) or accordion menu (mobile/tablet). There, you can update your payment method, change your donation amount, or cancel your recurring donation.

A Big Thank You to Our Supporters!

A massive shoutout to all of you who’ve supported Party Favorz this past year! Your generosity is what keeps this project going:

  • Anthony S. ($200 x 2 + $300)
  • Glenn A. ($10/month + multiple $25 donations)
  • Paul S. ($25)
  • Msspotme ($50)
  • EJ K. ($100)
  • Rick S. ($30)
  • Taylor O. ($45)
  • Paulie B. ($15)
  • Joe S. ($150)
  • Barbey D. Chucky ($5/month)
  • Nicho C. ($5/month)
  • Adam G. ($100)
  • Andrew ($10/month)
  • Doug B. ($10/month)
  • M. Boucher ($10/month)
  • NRC ($50)
  • LatinGuy ($5/month)
  • Pstavt ($30)
  • Marc F. ($25)

You are the heart and soul of Party Favorz, and I can’t thank you enough!

Keeping Party Favorz Going Strong

While I strived to reduce costs this year, some expenses have gone up significantly. There’s a lot of manual work behind the scenes that keeps Party Favorz running.

Unfortunately, operating costs have increased by 40%, and I’m currently running a deficit. To ensure Party Favorz can thrive, I kindly ask you to consider stepping up your support if you’re able to. I can’t afford to keep putting everything on high interest credit cards.

Your contributions help cover things like DJ services, song licensing, and remix purchases (those Circuit & Anthems sets don’t come cheap!). With over 500,000 streams and downloads last year, we’re still falling short of covering monthly costs.

The Show Must Go On!

In other news, Party Favorz is back in action tomorrow with the return of the BackSpin series which will replace the Millennial Dance Classics series I started last year. Get ready for handpicked favorites in Progressive House, Electro House, and House Classics, spanning 1999-2015. Each genre will enjoy it’s own set with some selections being crossmixed into the offerings. A new volume will be released every month this year until I exhaust my list.

Let’s Keep the Party Going!

Thank you again for your amazing support. With your help, Party Favorz can keep bringing you the best dance music mixes! We have some other surpises in the works but I won’t reveal any details on that until everything is finalized.

See you back tomorrow with our latest take on the BackSpin series. Until the next time…ENJOY!

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