Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

Party Favorz News Updates

Neon HeadphonesI recently noticed that ‘Let’s Start’ by Alex Nocera, Roy Batty & Alexenn was featured twice in the Spring Break 2022 set. While I like the song — I don’t like it well enough to run it twice four songs apart. It’s up to you folks to point out these errors and once confirmed, I’ll go back and fix them with no fuss (unless the settings have already been deleted and the file was put in storage).

Additionally, all of the The Ultimate Trash Disco Collection and Hi-NRG Gay Anthems series (amongst a few others) links have been fixed.

A few years back, Podbean updated their whole system, which changed the links. They used to have /play/ or /download/ in their download links but for some reason, direct playback on protected files no longer worked as normal. I ran a WordPress plugin to fix over 900+ episode links switching them over from /download/ to /download/ in the URLs so that when clicked, you would no longer be taken to the defaul WordPress player for streaming and download. I know that threw a lot of you off at the time. However, our good friend Lee pointed out that there were still some doing this. The links weren’t actually broken because you could still download the file by clicking on the ‘three dots’ to the right of the default player but it’s confusing. After looking at the files he pointed out, I figured out the issue was the URL contained /play/ which I changed over to /download/ so that no longer happens.

If you find any other issues or broken links, please shoot me an email from the contact section of the website or instant message me on Facebook and I’ll gladly look into the problem.

In other news, the latest Peak Hour set is in the can and this one is smoldering and perfect to wrap up your Spring Break. Not everyone enjoys their vacation at the same time but I’m estimating this will be the last weekend so I’ll be dropping the new set early tomorrow morning.

I’ve also started on the next T-Dance set and this one has grown to a massive size that’ll need to be trimmed back to keep it tight. I’ll deal with that once I start mixing but I do expect this to be EPIC! The following week, I’ll be dropping the Spring Edition 2022 for the circuit boys followed by the latest Disco House set. Until the next time…ENJOY!

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