First, I want to give a HUGE shoutout to Nicholas C. $20, Glenn A. $10, Ludovic D. $20, Casper Y. $50, Joe S. $50, Anthony S. $100, Paul S. $50 and Dirk S. $10 for their generous donations in helping us renew our web hosting services. While we didn’t reach our goal — we made …Read More, Stream and Download
Party Favorz News
It’s that time of year again and Party Favorz needs your help to keep up and running. As you can see by the email alert I received, the hosting renewal is yet again upon us. In years past, you folks have been very generous in helping meet our goals for renewals. While I’ve researched …Read More, Stream and Download
The direct download issue that affected all episodes from The Ultimate 90s House Classics forward has been resolved. This was a mobile and general issue for certain browsers. Everything is now working as it should. Please clear your browser cache (or history) and then refresh the web page. If there are any further issues, please …Read More, Stream and Download
My original plan at the end of 2020 was to take two weeks off before resuming operations. But, after looking at my numbers and how they could be better — I decided to make some changes without raising rates. Party Favorz has over 2,000 followers on Podbean but digging into the data — I could …Read More, Stream and Download
Podbean launching a new Premium Podcast Service soon This was the title of the email I received from Podbean on September 27th. I had a lot of questions but they didn’t respond until just recently. The response I received was a reiteration of what the original email entailed spouting the benefit of these new changes …Read More, Stream and Download
I started Party Favorz in the fall of 2007 as a means of creative output that allowed me to say whatever I wanted while sharing my love for House Music with anyone willing to listen. It was born out of the frustration of being queer and disabled without any opportunity (no matter the decades of …Read More, Stream and Download
I had been promising to take some time off from Party Favorz since May and it just never happened. I decided to just go ahead and take that time instead of announcing it. Otherwise, I would renege on the promise I made to myself. We moved into our current place in 2017 and never put …Read More, Stream and Download
As Republicans and Democrats continue to bicker over the next measly stimulus bill — the United States continues its slide into a shithole nation. In the meantime, the price for staples continue to outpace most people’s wallets. Rick and I are the only ones here and I pay all the bills including groceries, which have …Read More, Stream and Download
As promised, Party Favorz has a second round of new entries into the Diva Hall of Fame. This time we focus on up and coming artists who are three of the most exciting women in electronic dance music at the moment. These women are no strangers to the Top 100 nor to the dance floor …Read More, Stream and Download