I finally started making some headway on this set. I’ve had so much going on the past several weeks, I didn’t know if I was /coming or going. I threw Rick a birthday party this past weekend (for what I don’t know, he doesn’t appreciate it) and once I got past that, I was able to sit down and start assembling all the music, sound effects, and video snippets I had been collecting for the past year. You better believe this was no easy task, especially since my headphones are shot.
Essentially, Divided We Fall picks up where we left off with The Promise of a Better Life. This time around, I expanded on the variety of genres and tempos of the songs to provide an overall satisfying soundscape. After checking out “other” chill sets, I wanted to separate what I do from the new age/elevator-type music included in the more polished studio releases.
Then, there is the overall theme. It wasn’t my goal to be preachy but rather inform. Personally, I think it’s good to know what’s being said by our politicians and expose their hypocrisy, lies, and corrupt greedy manipulating actions, often done in the name of their “god.” Regardless of where your ideology lies, this set and the follow-up next week provide food for thought.
It’s best to listen through a headset or earplugs to get the whole feel; if you’re just in it for the music, by all means, play it in the car or on your home stereo and bypass all the blather in-between songs LOL. The music IS that good.
Between now and election day, I’ll be finishing up the second half and dropping that sometime after the 6th. If you’re in the US, be sure to get out and vote on the 6th, or better yet, VOTE EARLY!
Until next week…ENJOY!
Album : Chill Edition – Divided We Fall
Artists : Various
Genre : Chill
Length : 1:19:54
1. DJ Shadow – Intropy (You Lie)
2. Character
3. JK Soul – Battle Of Life (Gramatik Remix)
4. Billionaire
5. Lana Del Rey – National Anthem
6. 9 In Common – Jealous (Original Mix)
7. Trayvon Martin
8. Chymera – The Chase (Original Mix)
9. Gelka – Soon (The Deadbeats Remix)
10. Universal Solution feat. LaMeduza – You’ll See (Micha Mischer Remix)
11. Rena Jones – Open Me Slowly
12. Little People – Breathe Again (Legitimate Rape)
13. 99%
14. Gramatik – Fist Up (Original Mix)
15. The Deadbeats – Loafin (47%)
16. Tube & Berger feat. Paji – Kleines Traumparadies (Original Mix)
17. Sunlounger – Spiritual Hideout (Aurora)
18. Our Stolen Theory – Warmest Day (Original Mix)
19. Easy L. – New Day (Anthem)
20. El Ten Eleven – My Only Swerving
21. Blast Off
22. Gung Ho – Twin Rays (Worst Friends Remix)
23. All the People