In the face of unprecedented upheaval, the LGBTQ+ community needs to embrace unity now more than ever. As we navigate a transformative period in history, this year’s Gay Pride Celebration takes on a nuanced, urgent tone. The battle for equal rights is far from over, even as society makes strides forward. Our struggle is deeply interconnected with the fight for racial justice, epitomized by the strong solidarity we should all be showing toward our Black brothers and sisters, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Contrary to popular belief, recent legal victories are not the finish line; they’re more like mile markers. Take the Supreme Court ruling against workplace discrimination aimed at the LGBTQ+ community, for example. While momentous, this ruling isn’t a carte blanche guarantee of societal acceptance. It’s worrisome that even in the phrasing of this progressive decision, there’s room left for religious liberty to potentially supersede these protections. This opens up avenues for discrimination in vital areas of life—be it healthcare or housing—under the guise of religious freedom. This essentially means that our Gay Pride Celebration can’t just be about revelry; it also has to be about vigilance.
Let’s also not overlook the ongoing erosion of democracy and safety standards by current political leadership. The undermining of essential regulations, coupled with the denial of scientific facts—especially as it pertains to the COVID-19 pandemic—is an affront to the very ethos of what the Gay Pride Celebration stands for: freedom, equality, and human dignity. While public health concerns may limit traditional pride parades or events, the ethos of Gay Pride Celebration is uncontainable. Digital platforms like Zoom and Twitch are hosting celebrations, proving that the spirit of pride is innovative and indomitable.
Here at Party Favorz, we’ve been amplifying the sounds of pride for over a decade. Even as we adapt to this year’s unique circumstances, we remain committed to filling your homes with uplifting circuit anthems and pulsating beats. With the promise of releasing a compilation of the year’s biggest dance club hits next week, we’re ensuring that your at-home pride celebrations remain as spirited and jubilant as ever.
In summary, this isn’t the time to rest on our laurels or grow complacent. We should use the Gay Pride Celebration as a reflective lens, focusing on both the milestones we’ve crossed and the many roads yet to be traveled. So go ahead, celebrate your identity and freedoms, but remember that the real party happens when equality is no longer selective but universal.
Until the next time…ENJOY!
Album: Pride 2020
Genre: Circuit, Tribal, House
Year: 2020
Total Time: 02:07:56
1. Offer Nissim feat. Robin S. – Show Me Love (Offer Nissim Remix)
2. Heather Small feat. Dirty Disco & Matt Consola – Proud (Joe Gauthreaux & Leanh Remix)
3. Whitney Houston – I Have Nothing (Ale Porto & VMC Remix)
4. Sam Smith – To Die For (Tommer Mizrahi Remix)
5. Depeche Mode – Enjoy The Silence (Mor Avrahami Remix)
6. Big Kid feat. Audrey Callahan – Forever Young (Original Mix)
7. Inna – Not My Baby (DJ Furi Drums Extended Tribal House Club Remix)
8. Ava Max & Alan Walker – Alone Pt.2 (Enrico Meloni Remix)
9. Black Flamingo & Vanesa LeKlein feat. Gay Men’s Choir Madrid – I Will Survive 2019 (Original Mix)
10. Sia – Titanium (Tiago Saramento & VMC Remix)
11. Offer Nissim feat. Maya – Be My Boyfriend (Brett Oosterhaus Remix)
12. Todrick Hall – Werk Out (DJ Furi Drums Tribal House Club Remix)
13. Dirty Disco feat. Jeanie Tracy – True Colors (Dirty Disco Pride Original)
14. Bruno Kauffmann & Javier Contreras – Makes Me Feel (Original Mix)
15. Sam Smith & Demi Lovato – I’m Ready (Stephen Jusko Remix)
16. Madonna – Get Together (Toy Armada X Tommy Love 2018 Remix)
17. Miley Cyrus – See You Again (Stephen Jusko Remix)
18. Kristine W – Feel What You Want (Paulo & Soriano 2020 Club Mix)
19. Edson Pride – Power Of Rhythm (Ivan Barres Remix)
20. Rafael Barreto – It Feels So Good (Original Mix)
21. Alanis Morissette – You Oughta Know (Stephen Jusko & DJ Blacklow Extended Remix)
22. Disco Gurls – Don’t Stop, Get Up (Original Mix)
23. Dua Lipa – Break My Heart (Dirty Disco Mainroom Remix)