Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!
Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

Important update for subscribers! Please read

There has been some consternation from a few folks about not being able to access the podcast through their favorite apps. For the most part, Apple’s terms of service DO NOT allow for private podcasts to operate through iTunes. However, it appears that for now, it works on desktops but not on mobile apps. Apple has already announced they are planning on doing away with iTunes altogether sometime this year and moving everything over to their streaming platform Apple Music.  I know for a fact it does not work in Google Play but it’s possible it works in other 3rd party apps you may be using.

That being said, there is a lot of fraud going on within the system. In an effort to cut down on that, I will be discontinuing the feed effective immediately. The only way to access the content free or premium will be through or through the Podbean app in the Google Play store or in Apple’s App Store. The most these feeds can handle is up to 300 episodes.  Anything larger would dramatically slow it to a crawl.  That’s the way it’s always been for this site.

The most comprehensive and easiest way to search and find your favorite episodes is through the main website. I’m going to try to update the Podbean website for easier navigation but their system makes it almost impossible.

I realize that this will be a headache for some of you but the truth is, the Podbean app is not only easy to use, it likely already contains the same podcasts you listen to. However, I don’t believe it currently allows people to add their own feeds (though I could be wrong). With modern storage options for mobile like smart cards, it’s easy to download from the website and then import them into your mobile devices music folder or iTunes folder. Everything is already tagged with cover art for your convenience.

I’m letting everyone know now so there’s no confusion or anger in that I didn’t tell you so. I’m sorry it has to be this way but I’m no longer in the business of working my ass off 24/7 and only being supported by a handful of you while the rest have been coasting for years and don’t even bother to leave a nice comment — fuck that shit. If only a minority of you are willing to support my efforts, I’ll shut this shit down at the end of August where my entire Madonna mega-series that I’m already compiling will be made private to current subscribers only and come at a premium cost of $9.99 an episode for anyone else.  After that, I may just take everything private or go my own way entirely.  My life is complete and total shit and frankly — I have nothing to lose.

I tried to work something out with Spotify but since I compete against their bought and paid for curated lists, they weren’t having it. I get a lot of free promos from labels and directly from artists but only I pick and choose what goes into my mixes. The rest I get from legitimate DJ promo services, while others I purchase directly from Beatport and Traxsource. I don’t cow to anyone — nor am I bought and paid for. What I do know is that many prominent DJs look to Party Favorz to work out their own playlists as I take the work out of it for many of them.

If I’m coming across as coarse, it’s meant to be.  I’m tired, I’m frustrated and I admit life has handed me a bad hand. I do my best with what I got to make things work.

With all that said — this is where we stand now. I hope everyone has a Happy Pride where I already see a lot of division within different factions over corporate support for these massive parades and non-support that relies on grassroots. Typical divisive bullshit. Enjoy your day and just remember, I did my best to make this possible. Peace.

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