Welcome to part two of my 2008 Pride series. The only thing you need to know about this mix is that it’s all about the DRAMA! You know us queens just love to be overly dramatic, and this mix fits the bill. From top to bottom, this should put even the dourest person in a good mood.
I’ve pretty much got my set list together for the third mix, though I’m still waiting for the much-delayed ‘Fame’ remixes by DJ Bill Bennett. Hopefully, Sony will stick to their promise and release them next week (fingers crossed). If you are a Sony rep or Bill’s manager, feel free to cop me an advance so I can get my next mix finished in a timely manner. Just shoot off an email located in the ‘about me’ section of this site. I promised not to share (former Scout’s honor).
Well, that’s about it folks. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay tuned, stay focused, and most importantly stay free, gay & happy! I’ll be back next week with mix number three. Until then…Enjoy!
Album : Pride Edition v2
Genre : Circuit, Tribal, Progressive
Year : 2008
Total Time : 1:20:02:00
Track : 1
Title : Bring Your Soul Back (Ralphi’s Percussive Soul Mix)
Artist : Ralphi Rosario & Giangi Cappai
Nothing special, but some good filler when you’re kicking things off or just need something to transition.
Track : 2
Title : Control Yourself (Manny Lehman Dub)
Artist : Erin Hamilton
Amazing new tune by Erin that has plenty of mixes to satisfy any floor. While Manny turns in one of his formulaic mixes, he drops in a mean groove in the middle that I turned around and tricked it up a bit to keep that feeling flowing. Can’t wait for the vocal version coming out in late July with part 2 of the already fabulous first set of mixes.
Track : 3
Title : Away From Me (DJ Luis Erre Remix)
Artist : Altar feat. Amannda
Previously used the Altar ‘Big Room’ mix on my ‘Splash Edition’, but with so many excellent mixes to choose from, I decided on this even bigger floor stormer that lies somewhere on the Trance tip.
Track : 4
Title : Happy People (Timothy Allan Remix)
Artist : Offer Nissim feat. Maya
Funny how the title suggests something other than what the song really is. To me, this is a very sad song and probably one of the best things from Offer in a while. Also check out his original version which was on the ‘Splash Edition’.
Track : 5
Title : Automatic 2008 (J. Louis Tikaro & Ferran Vocal Mix)
Artist : Ultra Nate
It was bound to happen, some new updated mixes from last years mega-smash by Ultra Nate (naughty). Also check out the excellent Riff & Rays mix.
Track : 6
Title : Give Some Love (Tristan Garner Crossover Remix)
Artist : Antoine Clamaran & Mario Ochoa feat. Lulu Hughes
Hot just got hotter! Totally feeling the over the top drama production by Tristan.
Track : 7
Title : 4 Minutes (Peter Rauhofer Saves London Mix)
Artist : Madonna feat. Justin Timberlake
While Peter’s ‘New York’ and ‘Paris’ mixes are decent enough, this version is still my fave. Besides, we all know the UK has better taste in music.
Track : 8
Title : Over The Night (Allan Natal Energy Remix)
Artist : Sentenela pres. Lipgloss feat. Liz
Another song that made my ‘Splash Edition’. While there are several outstanding mixes that accompany this song, I just can’t get enough of Allan’s massive drama room mix. Excellent companion to Sara Brightman’s ‘Harem’ from a few years back.
Track : 9
Title : When I Grow Up (Ralphi Rosario Club Vox)
Artist : Pussycat Dolls
While I’m not really feeling the original radio version of this song, Ralphi once again shows why he’s the master. Totally blown away by this mix.
Track : 10
Title : Hot Sahara (Lenny B Club Mix)
Artist : Fans Of Jimmy Century
If you were disappointed by Gold Frapp’s recent musical direction, no need to worry. This two piece group out of San Francisco is picking up where the Frapp left off.
Track : 11
Title : Like A Star (Frank Lamboy Mix)
Artist : Kim Sozzi
Haven’t heard much from Kim lately. Glad to see she’s still around. The second half of Friscia & Lamboy delivers a solid mix in the fashion of old school Hex Hector (Kim’s protege).
Track : 12
Title : Same Old Fucking Story (Ralphi’s Melodic Vox Remix)
Artist : Cyndi Lauper
Gotta say that I’m so proud if not ecstatic about Cyndi’s latest album. It’s been in heavy rotation and just about worn out my player delivering one solid groove after another. Ralphi really turns this song out while retaining the catchy melody of the original. For a more ‘hands in the air’ anthem, check out the equally excellent Razor ‘n’ Guido mix.
Track : 13
Title : Turn It Up (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Mix)
Artist : Basstoy a.k.a. Mark Picchiotti feat. Dana Devine
One of my favorite songs of the moment gets the Moran & Riggs golden touch. They turn in a gargantuan mix of epic proportions that will immediately flood the floor with happy groovers.