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Gay Pride Edition 2010 Volume 2

Moving into volume 2 of the Pride Edition, Party Favorz is bringing in some of the finest electro-pop of the year.  I kept this on the mainstream side, with some definite heavy hitters and you can expect more of the same on the second part of this BPMesque edition to be released sometime next week.  I’ll be following up with a happy house set on Friday and the second installment of Gay Anthems on Sunday.  I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll fill your iPods up in June because this goes on until we get to the official Pride celebrations in San Francisco and New York on the weekend of the 27th.

The City of Angels is having their 40th Anniversary of Pride this weekend with a HUGE appearance by NOH8.  In fact,  the campaign is inviting EVERYONE to join them in the parade on June 13th.  So if you want to be part of something historic, head on over to to get all the details for making your mark.  Be out, be proud, we are on the verge of something REALLY BIG and what better way to tell your grandchildren, that you were a part of it.

 Many of you that live in and around the ATL, already know that once again our Pride festivities have been pushed into early October.  Last year it was over Halloween weekend and this year it’s been moved up to the weekend of National Coming Out Day.  Originally from Texas, I’m used to the Pride celebrations taking place in June, which is symbolic of the historic Stonewall Riots in New York, on June 28, 1969.  First, we were banned from the Piedmont Park because of the drought.  Now that’s it’s rained so much you could fill a thousand Perez Hilton potholes and still have enough left over to water the park for 20 years, they’re still using “protecting the park” as an excuse.  Kind of reminds of the whole “protect the children” angle right wingnuts use against Marriage Equality. “What about the children” or “What about the grass” egh!  Last time I checked, sod is pretty damn cheap.  In fact, recently there was a huge billboard just off of 85-N advertising it.  I don’t know what else you could possibly be protecting.  After all, isn’t the park there for everyone to enjoy, not just look at?  In my opinion, the Pride committee is just pandering to a well-heeled older crowd, that just happen to be its biggest donors.  Obviously, early October provides more ‘acceptable’ temperatures for them to be out and about.  Sweetie, if you can’t take the heat, stay home and let everyone else enjoy Hell’s Kitchen.  I know, I know Pride can pretty much be celebrated anytime.  However, considering that the ATL was just voted the “gayest” city in the United States and President Obama just designated June as National LGBT Month, why is it that this city can’t live up to its reputation as the leading gay megatropolis in the southeast?  Since I’m not on the committee, I’ll digress and let them do whatever they need to, in order to fill their coffers.  At the end of the day, the ATL has been my adopted home since 2001 and I absolutely love it here; so I have no other choice but to accept the things I can’t change.

Now that doesn’t mean that everyone else can’t get their Pride on, which is why I continue to focus on bringing you the best in Pride this month and every year.  Even though this is only my third year doing this online, I’ve actually been doing this since 1999, which feels like an eternity!  So get up, stand up and be counted.  Which reminds me; did you fill out the Census form?  Honey, if that thing is still laying around, fill it out and drop it in the mail.  Trust me, they’ll still take it.  Make sure you mark “gay” as your status and include your significant other as well.  That’s just another way of letting the government know we’re here, we’re queer, DEAL WITH IT!

That’s about all I have for today.  I’m pretty sure I’ll climb up on my soapbox once again in an upcoming post.  For now, stay safe, use a condom and have fun!  I’ll be back on Friday with the next installment.

Until then…ENJOY!

Album : Pride Edition 2010 v2
Genre : Electro-pop, Progressive, Dance
Year : 2010
Total Time : 1:19:54:00

Track : 1
Title : Lovesong (Extended Mix)
Artist : Jes

Track : 2
Title : Halfway Gone (Jody den Broeder Club Mix)
Artist : Lifehouse

Track : 3
Title : Fire With Fire (Digital Dog Club Mix)
Artist : Scissor Sisters

Track : 4
Title : Hey Soul Sister (Karmatronic Club Mix)
Artist : Train

Track : 5
Title : Need You Now (Dark Intensity Remix)
Artist : Lady Antebellum

Track : 6
Title : Commander (David Guetta ”Fuck Me I’m Famous” Remix)
Artist : Kelly Rowland

Track : 7
Title : Acapella (Dave Aude Club Mix)
Artist : Kelis

Track : 8
Title : Bittersweet (Freemasons Club Mix)
Artist : Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Track : 9
Title : Rude Boy (Wideboys Club Mix)
Artist : Rihanna

Track : 10
Title : Your Love Is My Drug (Dave Aude Club Mix)
Artist : Ke$ha

Track : 11
Title : Whataya Want From Me (Jason Nevins Electrotek Club Mix)
Artist : Adam Lambert

Track : 12
Title : Rock That Body (DJ Richie Rich Remix)
Artist : Black Eyed Peas

Track : 13
Title : Now You See It (Buzz Junkies Club Mix)
Artist : Honorebel feat. Pitbull & Jump Smokers

Track : 14
Title : Shine (Stonebridge Remix)
Artist : Black Gold

Track : 15
Title : Breaking Love (Original Extended Mix)
Artist : Larrakin

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