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Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

Diana Ross | The Diva Series

This is Diana Ross’ fifth induction into the Diva Hall of Fame. There is no rhyme nor reason why she keeps being inducted other than I was trying to put together a set that was more cohesive and concise without any filler. If Cher can have multiple Farewell Farewell tours (no, this time I really mean it LOL), why can’t Diana keep being re-inducted?

I believe I have finally achieved the goal I set out to achieve with this set. Then again, with all the new inductees, Diana always wants to make sure the other bitches stay in line and prove her authority over the newbies’ LOL. Ahh yes, Diana is a Diva for all times.

We all know the story about the Supremes, then Diana Ross & the Supremes, and then just Diana. It’s a familiar story re-told in the Broadway classic Dreamgirls. Fittingly, the show was re-cast into a box office movie starring Beyoncé (of Destiny’s Child fame), whose career eerily resembles the very same storyline of the Supremes.

Hey, I’m not here to cast dispersions on our favorite gals but Divas will be Divas and someone is always gonna come out on top. Pick your poison, but the Diva who screams the loudest and has the longest nails WINS!

Speaking of Beyoncé, I’ve got a shit-banger waiting in the wings for her latest induction, and folks this thing is gonna blow your socks off! However, I’m saving that one for the grand re-opening of Party Favorz coming out soon. Be sure to stay tuned.

In the interim, this final, FINAL Diana induction is a ball full of fun and you’re guaranteed to have a gay ole time.

Until the next time…ENJOY!

Album : Diana Ross | The Diva Series
Genre : Dance, House
Year : 2014
Total Time : 1:14:40.00
Visited 1 times, 1 visit(s) today

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