I apologize for not having the Summer Leap featuring the latest Dance Club tracks ready for this weekend. I’ve been slogging through countless promos to get it compiled and now need to properly tag before processing them for mixing.
I went ahead and compiled all of the Disco House and Peak Hour Tracks for the follow-up sets and will finish compiling the 2021 Pride Edition today for release around Memorial Day weekend. I wanted to get ahead of all these sets because I’ve got a lot planned for June otherwise known as Gay Pride month. Stay tuned…
Party Favorz App
In other news, I developed an app for Party Favorz that’s been available for a couple of months now. It installs and works flawlessly putting Party Favorz right at your finger tips on your Android, Apple or other tablet devices. When you visit the site, a bottom pop-up asks if you want to install the app. It’s tested and totally safe. If you previously swiped it away — you’ll need to clear your browser cache on your device to get it to reappear. I currently don’t have a direct link to it (working on it) and it won’t be listed in the App Store nor the Play Store because they want 30% of the revenue and that ain’t gonna happen. I barely cover my costs as it is.
A long press will give you the option to go straight to Dance Club, Circuit & Anthems, Disco House or Peak Hour. A short press will take you to the homepage.
Since many of you use the Podbean app — I’ve now added a playlist feature similar to Podbean that allows you to scroll through the last 300 episodes to pick what to play or you can just let run. That’s available in the new “Playlist” section on the front page. Its available through the app or through desktop. As per usual, you’ll need to be logged in to play the episodes.
I’ll be adding playlists to each of the categories soon giving subscribers more control over what they want to listen to, while providing more functions in the new app.
Currently, the app does not show notifications of new releases and that is something I am working with the developers on to get rectified. Once it’s fixed, I’ll notify everyone because you’ll likely need to opt in to receive notifications. In other words, it won’t start working without your permission.
So, for next week — there will be two sets one either Peak Hour or Disco House and a second will definitely be the Summer Leap. Then one release each week after that through Memorial Day or just any other day if you’re outside the U.S.
Until then…ENJOY!