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Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 18 years!

Pride Edition 2021 | Celebrating 14 Years of GAY PRIDE!

It’s been one hell of a year but we’re finally beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel due to this long national nightmare. Party Favorz has been here through it all delivering the finest in club music to help you maintain a sense of normalcy. With most major artists holding back remixes and out-of-work DJs transitioning to fee for remixes — it’s been tricky if not expensive delivering the goods month after month but somehow, we managed.

Pride Edition 2021 is the most expensive set ever put together clocking in at over $150. We do it to support the DJs and the work they usually give away for free to support their live shows. Out of all these DJs there is one who deserves our biggest gratitude. That DJ is Brazil’s Dario Xavier who has been a virtual remix factory of all the latest hits and gay anthems. Like India, Brazil has been one of the hardest hit countries by COVID-19 and the work he puts into his remixes that make up a healthy portion of this set is phenomenal. If you enjoy his remixes — please support his work at There you’ll find everything in this set and a whole lot more.

Climbing on my soapbox

I want to call attention to what’s going on in the United States at the state level. Many states like my home state of GA have passed Jim Crow-style style laws that are designed to suppress the vote. Not just the votes of Black and Brown people but young people (think college-age) and persons with disabilities. These groups typically vote democratic and these laws have been written in such a manner that they surgically carve out policies to make it more difficult for these groups to vote.

While many people are up in arms about not being able to hand out food and water for voters waiting in long lines to exercise their Constitutional right (typically in areas that are heavily populated by — you guessed it — Black and Brown voters because Republicans in those states have shut down the majority of polling stations, there is so much more to these new laws that are going unnoticed.

Issues like this are a red herring designed to distract from the true anti-democratic parts of these bills. Indeed, the one thing they all have in common is that they give the state legislatures or some appointed body by the legislature to remove the head of elections and the entire election board in heavily democratic counties and appoint their people giving them the right to overturn the will of the people in those counties for virtually any semblance of fraud, which has been proven in the last election to not only be rare but by the hands of Republicans. You literally can’t make this shit up.

By doing this, and the heavy Gerrymandering that’s about to take place throughout these states after the last census, Republicans are all but assuring themselves total control of government at the state and federal levels. In other words, minority rule. Instead of developing policies that appeal to a broad base of Americans, the only way for them to win is by rigging the system in their favor to maintain complete control of all levers of government.

So what does this have to do with Gay Pride? Currently, these same states are targeting our brothers and sisters in the transgender community with laws that ban them from sports and/or public bathrooms of their choice. They’ve already enacted stringent “heartbeat” bills in hopes that the rigged SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade, which could very well happen. Rest assured, they won’t stop there and will be going after marriage equality, workplace discrimination, and a whole host of other areas that directly affect our lives. Don’t think it can’t happen? It already is.

There’s a lot at stake for the future of the gay community and all I’m asking is that you stay vigilant to the laws that are being enacted in your state because they do directly affect you and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. I beg you to call your Senators and demand they vote for the H.R. 1 or the For the People Act, which will strip the power of the states from enacting these draconian laws. If this law is not enacted, democracy in America will be destroyed for a generation as will our way of life.

Upcoming changes to Party Favorz

I had promised to release the Ultimate Gay Anthems anthology but decided to pull it back until 2022 (our 15-year anniversary). The overall number of downloads from non-subscribers is out of control and Podbean has no interest in controlling it. I think they’re enabling it as they control all the “Bean” subscriptions that only pay once for the life of this podcast. I’ve circumvented that by increasing the price to $500 so fuck them. Meanwhile, our follower count has exploded exponentially as have my download and streaming numbers while the subscriber count has been on a slow decline. These numbers don’t add up and when questioned — Podbean just retorts with some nonsensical response as if they didn’t understand the question.

Back in April, I was invited by Apple Podcast to move my subscription over to them and that’s exactly what I will be doing over the next two months.

Because Apple Podcasts is proprietary, I will also need to get the Party Favorz app up and running but am limited until the good folks at Microsoft get several issues resolved. They’ve reached out to me on GitHub and have assured me that all issues will be rectified in a few weeks.

I realize half of you will be thrilled with the Podcast moving over to Apple and the other half not so much. I won’t make a sudden leap and leave half of you behind. I’ll likely run both platforms simultaneously until everything from our app and the new subscription system is fully in place and working smoothly.

Coming Up

Even though I won’t be dropping the Ultimate Gay Anthems series — there are still more than enough classics in our Gay Anthems repertoire category to fill your little queer heart. Next week, I’ll be dropping our first ever (well maybe second or third) Pride T-Dance set, which is going to be EPIC! The week after will be the much anticipated and one of our biggest releases of the year Gay Anthems For a New Generation. With this circuit and anthems set clocking in at over 4 hours and the massive sets soon to drop — Party Favorz will continue to claim the title of GAY AF!

Until the next time…ENJOY!

Album: Pride Edition 2021 
Genre: Circuit, Tribal, House
Year: 2021
Total Time: 04:08:04

1. Guy Scheiman & Tony Moran – Praise Up (Intro Club Mix)

2. Thomas Solvert, Rob Phillips & Ann Shine – This Love Never Ends (Leanh Remix)

3. Las Bibas From Vizcaya – Sky High (Toy Armada Club Remix)

4. Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez – Press (Extended Mix)

5. Brian Justin Crum + GSP – Crazy (Toy Armada Remix)

6. Jorel Correy, David Guetta & Raye – Bed (DJ João Remix)

7. Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers – Get Lucky (Leo Blanco Remix)

8. Above & Beyond – Sun & Moon (Jace M & Toy Armada Remix)

9. Brett Oosterhaus – Drop The Beat (Brian Cua Tribal Rave Remix)

10. Wh0 feat. Salena Mastroianni – Testify (Isak Salazar & Alan Capetillo Remix)

11. Edson Pride – Get Up On Dance (Fontez Remix)

12. Ava Max – Take You To Hell (Dirty Disco Mainroom Remix)

13. Cyndi lauper – Time After Time ‘2K20 (Edson Pride Remix)

14. Rihanna – Where Have You Been 2K21 (Edson Pride Remix)

15. Pet Shop Boys – New York City Boy (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

16. A Great Big World – Everyone Is Gay (Dario Xavier Pride Remix)

17. Lady Gaga – Born This Way (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

18. Doja Cat feat. SZA – Kiss Me More (DJ João Anthem Mix)

19. Stenio Mendes – So Hot (Yerko Molina Remix)

20. Guy Scheiman, Marcos Adam & Mickael Kruz – Easy Lover (Diego Santander Remix)

21. P!nk – All I Know So Far (Dario Xavier Club Remix)

22. Christina Aguilera – Beautiful (Dario Xavier Pride 2k21 Club Remix)

23. The Weeknd & Ariana Grande – Save Your Tears (DJ João Remix)

24. Britney Spears – Toxic (Brett Oosterhaus #Free Britney Remix)

25. Dan Slater & Alan Gendreau – Pieces (Extended Club Mix)

26. Katy Perry – Firework (Toy Armada 2021 Remix)

27. Heather Small feat. Dirty Disco & Matt Consola – Proud (Joe Gauthreaux & Leanh Remix)

28. Ultra Nate – Free (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

29. Erasure – A Little Respect (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

30. Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

31. Brynn Elliott – Tell Me I’m Pretty (Dario Xavier Club Remix)

32. Rinaldo Montezz pres. Caleb Huntsberry – Be-otch B Gone (Montezz Remix)

33. Johnny I. x Zoe Badwi – Until You’re Over Me (Big Kid Anthem Mix)

34. Esteban Lopez feat. Lena Martin – Silence 2K21 (Joe Gauthreaux & Leanh Remix)

35. Alanis Morissette – You Oughta Know (Stephen Jusko & DJ Blacklow Remix)

36. Ana Paula feat. Yan Lavoie – Freaks (Stephen Jusko Freakshow Mix)

37. Liran Shoshan, Javier Contreras & Marcos Adam – Right Here Waiting (GSP Remix)

38. Stephen Jusko feat. Kenny Duerlund – I2I (Original Mix)

39. Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive (Dario Xavier 2K21 Remix)

40. Yinon Yahel & Alan T – Lonely People (Elias Rojas EDIT 4 Peter Rauhofer)

41. Qveen Herby – Naughty Girl (Jack Chang Remix)

42. Ava Max – My Head My Heart (MDMATIAS Remix)

43. Anitta – Girl From Rio (Davis Reimberg Remix)

44. Cher – Love Is A Lonely Place Without You (Dario Xavier 2K21 Club Remix)

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