80’s Dance

17 posts

“Travel back in time with the “80s Dance” channel’s non-stop party dance songs! Relive the GenX era and dance to the decade’s biggest hits.”


Exposé | The Diva Series

We’re going back to the 80’s this week with our latest Diva Hall of Fame entry, Exposé! Exposé is an American Latin freestyle vocal group. Primarily consisting of lead vocalists Jeanette Jurado, Ann Curless, and Gioia Bruno, the group achieved much of their success between 1984 and 1993, becoming the first group to have four top ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart …Read More, Stream and Download

Back 2 the 80s part 1

Back 2 the 80’s Volume 1 | 80’s Dance Megamix

Party Favorz is back with Back 2 the 80’s, a monster mix of commercial dance classics from the era. After releasing the Trash Disco series last year, I knew I had to move a decade up as the genre that defined “dance” and “disco” has substantially changed with the introduction of the drum machine and synthesizers. You’ll notice …Read More, Stream and Download

Erasure | The DIVA Dance Legacy Tribute Volume 1

In the twilight of 1986, I found myself back in my hometown, rebooting life after a pause post-high school. As fate would have it, I returned to C&C Music/Video—a place that had worked for during my high school years. Erasure’s “Oh L’amour” was already setting dance floors on fire, but honestly, I hadn’t deeply considered …Read More, Stream and Download